What does Home Staging look like in Ireland?


On a recent visit to Ireland, I eagerly looked forward to visiting two staged model homes in a subdivision near the city of Limerick.

Last Sunday with camera in hand I snapped some photos and was interested to see what home staging in Ireland and in the US had in common and how it differed.  For the most part, it was quite similar but a few differences stood out.

To begin with, Irish homes are not made of wood because they don’t believe it’s sturdy enough to hold up over time!  Most homes are concrete block construction

home staging ireland   

There were no coffee tables or end tables in the living rooms of these mid-range new homes …. likely because the space was tight?

ireland model home

Ireland show home

Irish property styling

Ireland home staging

The dining tables were set with full place settings including silverware …

Property styling in Ireland

House staging in Ireland

The kitchens were a good size and had the usual modern conveniences (“mod cons”) …

Limerick kitchen on the Golf Links Rd

Irish model homes Evanwood in Limerick

The master bedrooms maximized use of the space …

Irish property styling

Limerick home staging

Ireland Showhome in Limerick

The bathrooms have fully tiled walls, ceilings, and floors …

Ireland Showhomes 2015

Limerick Ireland Evanwood Showhome

The price for these compact new homes is about $400,000 depending on what finishes were included and if the “expanded kitchen” was specified. These homes are close to the University of Limerick campus as well as to a myriad of US companies with offices in Ireland.  Both model homes were crowded and people were putting in orders on the spot while some will have to wait until the subdivision is completed .. this was Phase 2 of a larger development called Evanwood.

As an expert home stager based in Portland OR, it’s always interesting to visit homes for sale in other countries to see how they present their properties!
