Staging Foreclosure House #4 for the Bank in Portland OR ~ Before & Afters


This savvy Bank has made an investment in these properties, providing construction financing and support to the building community.  Not only did the Bank have these beautiful homes staged with inviting furnishings, they also had landscaping refurbished, repainted some interiors, upgraded carpeting, and even provided regular cleaning service.  These homes are selling quickly! Neighborhood values are kept intact so even the neighbors have been grateful this Bank’s involvement ensures that the foreclosed homes will sell — rather than continuing to languish on the market.

Will other Banks follow this example?  The investment in staging — in presenting these homes in their best conditionis WORKING.  Hopefully stagers across the country will continue to contact local & regional banks (often the “asset manager” is a good contact) to encourage them to consider staging their foreclosed inventory.  Everyone in the transaction wins!

Here are some Before & After photos of foreclosure House #4 … we’re hoping for another quick sale!

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To reduce market time on your property or listing, consider home staging — it works.  Room Solutions Staging offers Homeowners, Realtors, Investors & Banks a variety of Home Staging Services in the Portland OR metro area.  For a free home staging proposal call us @ 503-246-1800.  Room Solutions ~ Staging that Sells Portland Homes.